Configuration Guide

How to work out what you need!

There are 2 main reasons to add a quick release to your controllers:

  1. Swapping - you can swap between different controllers that would occupy the same position for different situations (e.g. wheel for driving, yoke for flying)
  2. Moving - so you can move your controller from one position to another (e.g. gear shifter from left to right or joystick from seat centre to seat side) or remove it all together so you have a clearer rig.

There are 2 types of components you need to enable QR on your Rig with your Controllers.

  1. QR Base Mounts (these fix to your rig in various postions, the wheel table in front of you, each side of your seat, in front of your seat and the floor where your feet are)
  2. QR Controller Plates (these fix to your controllers such as yoke/wheel, throttle quadrants, joysticks, HOTAS, gear shifter, rudder or driving pedals)


There are 3 rules you MUST follow when configuring your QR4rigs system:

  1. You must have 1x QR Base Mount for each postion on your rig
  2. You must have 1x Controller QR Plate for each controller.
  3. The Controller QR Plate must be the same Family (type) as the QR Base Mount it is fitting on to


There are 2 steps to configuring your rig for QR4rigs Quick Release Systems

  1. Determine your desired placement of your controllers on your rig and which controllers you want to have quick release enabled
  2. Choose the QR Base Mount for each of your desired positions and the matching QR Controller Plate(s) for each

Step 1. Placement on your rig

Which positions do you want to Quick Release (QR) enable?

There are 5 basic positions on your rig:

  • Wheel/Yoke Table (A,B, C)
  • Seat Left Hand side (D)
  • Seat Centre (E)
  • Seat Right Hand side (F)
  • Pedal plate (G)

At this point you have 2 choices:
1. Carry on through this Configuration Guide and make your own way to a configuration.
2. Use our Configuration Assistance Request service


Create a table with each position (A thru' G) and fill in the controller or controllers you want in each position for each type of simming you take part in and have controllers for.


  • You can have more than 1 controller in a position (swapping)
  • You can have a controller in more than one position (moving)

The table might look like this example:

Once you have your table, you'll know which controller you'll want where on your rig.

Step 2. Base Mounts and Controller QR Plates

Choose your QR Base Mounts

For each position you wish to QR enable, you will need an appropriate QR Base Mount.

QR Base Mounts come in various sizes and shapes:

You can now match the positions with the appropriate QR Base Mounts.

NOTE: We have introduced colour coding recently to make it easier for you to match the rig position, QR Base Mount and QR Controller Plate together. Each product has a colour swatch in the bottom left hand corner of the main picture. This will make it easier  to ensure your Base Mounts and QR Plates for each position have matching colour swatches at checkout!

In our example table, you will notice that we have a HOTAS Joystick in position Seat Centre (E) and also in Seat Right Hand side (F) and we also have other controllers (HOTAS Throttle, Space Joystick, Seq-Shifter and H-Shifter) in Seat Right Hand side (F)

  • To accomodate the joystick in Seat Centre (E) we could choose our QRDee Base Mount as it is designed for joysticks centrally mounted if the joystick was only going to be mounted centrally...
  • BUT...we also want the joystick in Seat Right Hand side (F). Luckiliy the QRPro Base Mounts also fit the central position.
  • In the example, we also have other controllers in Seat Right Hand side (F) that are not joysticks, so the option is to choose QRPro Base Mounts for both Seat Centre (E) and Seat Right Hand side (F).

Choosing the rest of the QR Base Mounts is pretty straight forward in our exammple, you need to match the position with the QR Base Mount.

  • Seat Left Hand side (D) has a number of controllers including the HOTAS Throttle that is also on Seat Right Hand side (F) along with Shifters that can be on either side too so the only match is QRPro Base Mounts for compatibility/cross mounting.

Moving to the Wheel/Yoke Table (A,B, C) there is a Wheel and a Yoke in the centre position (B) and a Quadrant in the right hand position (C).

  • QRMax Base Mounts will be the choice for (B)  as this is the minimum size for this position  (see QR Plate choices below).
  • For position (C) we have 2 choices, if the Quadrant is very large (e.g. Honeycomb Bravo) then the QRMax Base Mount is the only choice, BUT if the Quadrant is small to medium size then a QRPro Base Mount will suffice.

The only choice if you wish to QR your Rudder Pedals and Driving Pedals is the QRMin Base Mounts, but you will have to choose between the x3, x4 and x5 kits.

  • QRMin Base Mount x3 is for MFG Crosswind Pedals only at this point in time
  • QRMin Base Mount x4 is for most other pedal sets
  • QRMin Base Mount x5 is if you have MFG Crosswind Pedals and wish to swap with most other pedal sets.

Most of your requirements will be much simpler than this example.

The Shopping list so far:
  • 2x QRMax Base Mounts - Wheel/Yoke Table (A,B, C) (assume large Quadrant)
  • 3x QRPro Base Mounts - Seat Left Hand side (D), Seat Centre (E), Seat Right Hand side (F)
  • 1x QRMin Base Mount x5 Kit - Pedal plate (G) (assume MFG Crosswind + Racing Pedals)

Choose your QR Plates for your controllers

From to the menu at the top of any page, or on the left when viewing from a Laptop/Desktop, select the manufacturer of each controller.

Once there you will see all the controllers we already support for that manufacturer. If your manufacturer or controller is not listed, then please get in touch via the Contact Us form.

In our example we are using QRPro Base Mounts for the Seat Left, Right and Centre so we need to make sure we select the right Controller Plate with the corresponding (matching) QR Family (QRPro in this case).

If we had for example a Thrustmaster Warthog HOTAS (Throttle and Joystick), and also used a Virpil CM3 Joystick base, a Logitech X56 HOTAS and a Fanatec CSSSQ Shifter and then we would need to add the following to our shopping list:

  • 1x QRPro Thrustmaster Warthog Joystick Quick Release Plate Kit
  • 1x QRPro Thrustmaster Warthog Throttle Quick Release Plate Kit
  • 1x QRPro Virpil (VPC) Mongoos/WarBRD Joystick Quick Release Plate
  • 1x QRPro Logitech X55/X56 Rhino Quick Release Plate Kit (2 Plates)
  • 1x QRPro Fanatec ClubSport Shifter SQ Quick Release Plate Kit

We have chosen QRMax Base Mounts for the Wheel/Yoke Table (A,B, C), so we will need matching QRMax Controller Plates for the Fanatec DD2 Wheelbase and Honeycomb Alpha Yoke and Bravo Quadrant.

  • 1x QRMax Fanatec Podium DD1/2 Quick Release Plate
  • 2x QRMax Honeycomb Alpha/Bravo Quick Release Plate Kit

We have the MFG Crosswind rudders and Fanatec CSP racing pedals and an unsupported set of Virpil (VPC) ACE_Torq rudder bars, so we need to add those to the shopping list:

  • 1x QRMin Fanatec CSP Quick Release Plate Kit
  • 1x QRMin MFG Crosswind Rudder Quick Release Plate Kit
  • 1x QRMin Universal Quick Release Plate Kit (DIY)

NOTE: The QRMin Universal Quick Release Plate Kit (DIY) is useful for unsupported pedal types and requires that the pedals are first fixed to a sheet material of your choosing, sourced by yourself and the QRMin Universal Quick Release Plate Kit (DIY) is then fixed to the underside of the sheet material.

There are similar Universal Plate kits that fit each of the different QR Base Mounts, QRPro and QRMax that also require you to source and DIY an adapter plate to fit between your controller and the QR Universal Plate when a QR Controller Plate is not yet designed or is unsupported.

If your controller is not listed, then please get in touch via the Contact Us form to request a design.

That is a heck of a LOT of information, but hopefully it is extensive enough for you to refer to and place an order for the correct parts first time.

Why have we taken the time to publish this page?

  • 20% of the orders we recieve result in being refunded due to mismatches between QR Base Mounts and QR Controller Plates.
  • We do not have the ability to amend orders.
  • Currently we take the hit for any fees a refund incurs, but from May 2nd 2023, we will be taking this fee from any refunds we have to give as a direct result of a mis-order.
  • It takes up a LOT of our time checking orders and the ones that don't make sense to us then have a lot of to-and-fro-ing of emails with you to get it right.
  • If we just took your money and sent you parts that did not fit together, would you be happy? Most likely not!
  • If you order right first time, you get to QR enable your rig quicker, isn't that what this is all about after all, spending more time immersed in your hobby?
  • We like happy customers!

Thank you for reading this far! Please use code: 1R34D1T4LL for 10% off any QR Base Mounts on your order*!


*applies to QR Base Mounts only for one order per customer

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